OMRON Satellite Events

 OMRON Satellite Events will take place on November 20 at the Kobe campus of the University of Hyogo, located very closely to the main conference hall of SCIS-ISIS 2012. Advanced topics in various fields will be presented in the forms of tutorials, workshops and demonstrations. Those events are a part of SCIS-ISIS 2012, and your participation is free IF you register to SCIS-ISIS 2012 ahead of time. Also, no prior registration to the most of those events is necessary (of course, your registration to SCIS-ISIS 2012 is mandatory for the free participation). 

    Date: November 20th, 2012
    Time: 1pm - 6pm
Graduate School of Applied Informatics,
the University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan
    Fee: FREE of charge if registered to SCIS-ISIS2012.
  Normal fee if not registered:
      One Event: Students: 1,000JPY; Others: 2,000JPY.
      All events: Students: 2,000JPY; Others: 3,000JPY.
      Contact: Prof. Kilho Shin,



Event 1 (13:00 - 18:00)

Title: CRDF Workshop on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) -- Scientific Presentation Skills (270 min.)
Organizors: Atsushi Inoue (Eastern Washington University, USA)
Stuart Politi (CRDF Global, USA)

Event 2 (13:00 - 14:30)

Title: Mathematical morphology and image sciences (90 min.)
Lecturer: Akira Asano (Kansai University, Japan)

Event 3 (16:30 - 18:00)

Title: Theory and method of particle filters (30 min.)
Lecturer: Norikazu Ikoma (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Title: Visual detection and tracking by particle filters (30 min.)
Lecturer: Kazuhiko Kawamoto (Chiba University, Japan)
Title: Particle filter algorithm to analyze long-term tide gauge records for monitoring of the Earth's crustal activities (30 min.)
Lecturer: Hiromichi Nagao (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)

Event 4 (13:00 - 14:30)

Title: Evolutionary Computational Approach to Medical Informatics (90 min.)
Lecturer: Yasuyuki Hiroyasu (Doshisha University, Japan)

Event 5 (14:45 - 16:15)

Title: Can computers predict the mutation of influenza viruses? (90 min.)
Lecturer: Kimihito Ito (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Event 6 (13:00 - 14:30)

Title: 実践:ロボット入門~ルンバを使ったロボットプログラミング体験
(90 min., in Japanese)
Lecturer: 荻野 正樹(関西大学)

Event 7 (14:45 - 16:15)

Title: 実践:Kinect(TM)の導入紹介と画像処理への活用法
(90 min., in Japanese)
Lecturer: 徳井 亮輔,広兼 道幸(関西大学)

Event 8 (14:45 - 18:00)

Title: 実践:ムービー塾 〜コンピュータアニメーションの制作体験〜
(180 min., in Japanese)
Lecturer: 安田 浩,工藤 浩輔(東京電機大学)

Event 9 (16:30 - 18:00)

Title: アウトリーチのためのCGアニメ活用とその人材教育
〜CGアニメ振興団体DoGAの取り組み〜(90 min., in Japanese)
Lecturer: 鎌田 優(DoGA代表)