
Each submitter has to choose a paper style and a session in the submission system:

  • Paper style: full paper, short paper, or abstract-only paper
  • Session: general session, or one of the special sessions

Full paper, or Short paper

Authors should prepare papers using the IEEE manuscript template (see below) including results, figures, and references.

Papers should be written in A4 paper format with the IEEE style (please see following links). Title, authors' names, and organizations of your paper should be capitalized as IEEE style manual. Only a PDF file will be accepted for the review process. All fonts should be embedded in the PDF file.

Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings prepared by IEEE

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and archived in IEEE Xplore subject to all quality requirements of IEEE.

Abstract-only paper

Authors should prepare extended abstracts using the template (see below) including results, and references.

Extended abstracts (1-2 pages) should be written in A4 paper format (please see following links). Only a PDF file will be accepted for the review process. All fonts should be embedded in the PDF file.

Manuscript Templates for Extended abstracts for SCIS&ISIS2024
LaTeX Template file for Abstract-only paper
Word Template file for Abstract-only paper
PDF Sample file for Abstract-only paper

All accepted Abstract-only papers will be distributed to conference participants in a separate volume of the conference proceedings but will NOT be archived in IEEE Xplore.

Paper style

Full paper

Authors should prepare full papers of four (4) to six (6) pages (maybe extended up to eight (8) pages but subject to an additional fee) in IEEE style including results, figures, and references. All full papers should be submitted online.
Full papers will be rigorously and competitively peer reviewed with criteria including fitness/significance, novelty, completeness, consistency, and presentation (language and grammar). Following reviewers' recommendation, some rejected full papers can be accepted for Short papers or Abstract-only papers.
Each paper has 15 minutes for an oral presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A in the conference. Paper awards will be prized to outstanding full papers.
In addition, revised and extended versions of selected papers will be invited to post-conference publication such as special issues of quality journals.

Short paper

Authors are invited to prepare short papers of two (2) to four (4) pages in IEEE style including results, figures, and references. All short papers should be submitted online.
Short papers will be peer reviewed in a comprehensive manner with criteria including fitness/significance, novelty, completeness, consistency, and presentation (language and grammar). Especially, originality and usefulness are more important compared with the other criteria. Following reviewers' recommendation, some rejected short papers can be accepted for Abstract-only papers.
Each paper has 10 minutes for an oral presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Some short papers will be prized.

Abstract-only paper

Authors are invited to prepare Abstract-only papers of one (1) to two (2) pages including results, and references. All Abstract-only papers should be submitted online.
Abstract-only papers will be peer reviewed in a comprehensive manner with criteria including fitness/significance, novelty, completeness, consistency, and presentation (language and grammar). Especially, originality and novelty are more important compared with the other criteria.
Each paper has 10 minutes for an oral presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. Some Abstract-only papers will be prized.

Paper Submission

All papers should be submitted through Microsoft CMT. Please include the following information exactly as appeared on your papers: names of authors, affiliations, countries, E-mail addresses, titles and abstracts. Only a PDF file will be accepted for the review process. Papers will be checked for plagiarism. The Program Committee reserves the right to desk-reject a paper according to the similarity to published papers.

Once you prepared your paper, please submit it from the following link.

Quick Guide

  1. Access You need to enter your email address and password, if you already registered. If not, register your information from "New to CMT? Register".
  2. Check the current role and the name of conference.
  3. Click "Create new submission".
  4. TITLE AND ABSTRACT: Input "Title" and "Abstract" (less than 2000 characters).
  5. AUTHORS: If you have co-author(s), input his/her email address and click "Add".
  6. SUBJECT AREAS: Select one primary subject area and some secondary areas (up to five). The selection of subject areas is important to assign your paper to appropriate reviewers. If you want to submit your paper to one of special sessions, select “SS-?? Special Session Title” as the primary subject. If you are special session organizers and want to submit papers to own special session, select “z: COI: Conflict of Interest” as the primary subject and your special session as the secondary subject area.
  7. FILES: Upload the pdf (< 20MB) of your paper.
  8. ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: Answer three questions.
  9. Finally, click "Submit".