Late Breaking Papers

Late breaking (LB) papers must be prepared in the same manner with Abstract-only paper supported by the following instruction.
Late breaking paper submission is due to 31 August 2024, and notifications will be made in early September.

Abstract-only paper (Late Breaking Paper)

Authors should prepare extended abstracts using the template (see below) including results, and references.

Extended abstracts (1-2 pages) should be written in A4 paper format (please see following links). Only a PDF file will be accepted for the review process. All fonts should be embedded in the PDF file.

Manuscript Templates for Extended abstracts for SCIS&ISIS2024
LaTeX Template file for Abstract-only paper
Word Template file for Abstract-only paper
PDF Sample file for Abstract-only paper

All accepted Abstract-only papers (Late Breaking Papers) will be distributed to conference participants in a separate volume of the conference proceedings but will NOT be archived in IEEE Xplore.

Paper Style

Abstract-only paper (Late Breaking Paper)

Authors are invited to prepare Abstract-only papers (Late Breaking Papers) of one (1) to two (2) pages including results, and references. All Abstract-only papers (Late Breaking Papers) should be submitted online.

Abstract-only papers (Late Breaking Papers) will be peer reviewed in a comprehensive manner with criteria including fitness/significance, novelty, completeness, consistency, and presentation (language and grammar). Especially, originality and novelty are more important compared with the other criteria.

Each paper has 10 minutes for an oral presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.

Late Breaking Paper Submission

All papers should be submitted through Google Form. Please include the following information exactly as appeared on your papers: names of authors, affiliations, E-mail addresses, titles and abstracts.

Only a PDF file will be accepted for the review process. Papers will be checked for plagiarism. The Program Committee reserves the right to desk-reject a paper according to the similarity to published papers. Once you prepared your paper, please submit it from the following link.
You need your Google account for submitting your late breaking paper through the above form.
If you have any inconvenience, please directly contact with Program Committee by e-mail:
[ scisisis2024pc* ] (replace “*” to “@”)