Registration (common to SCIS&ISIS2018 and ISWS2018)

At least one of the authors is required to pay a registration fee for the accepted paper.

Each participant is required to pay an appropriate registration fee. A proof (e.g. an official membership certificate and/or a valid student ID) should be prepared for member and/or student registration. Otherwise, the non-member fee must be paid.

Registration fees will not be returned for any reasons after Early Registration deadline. Any paper without Early Registration and the payment will not be included in the proceedings.

One Regular or Student registration covers only one paper. Any paper not covered by any registration will be removed from the proceedings. There will be no further consideration for database indexing and post-conference proceedings.

The List of Registration Fees for Conference

  Early Bird
Sep. 18, 2018

Sep. 18, 2018
Member 45,000 JPY  50,000 JPY 50,000 JPY 
Non-member  55,000 JPY  60,000 JPY 60,000 JPY
Student Member  30,000 JPY  35,000 JPY 35,000 JPY
Student Non-member  35,000 JPY  40,000 JPY 40,000 JPY 
Exhibitor  55,000 JPY  55,000 JPY 55,000 JPY 
Additional Papers for
Member or non-member
30,000 JPY
per one paper
30,000 JPY
per one paper
30,000 JPY
per one paper
Additional Papers for
Student Member or
Student Non-member
15,000 JPY
per one paper
15,000 JPY
per one paper
15,000 JPY
per one paper
Additional Page
2 additional pages are

allowed for each paper 
and must be paid
before final submission
One Page:
10,000 JPY
One Page:
10,000 JPY
One Page:
10,000 JPY
Two Pages:
20,000 JPY
Two Pages:
20,000 JPY
Two Pages:
20,000 JPY
Extra Conference
10,000 JPY 10,000 JPY 10,000 JPY
Extra Banquet Ticket 8,000 JPY 8,000 JPY 8,000 JPY
  • The Member or Student Member means that for the societies listed [HERE].
  • The conference registration fee includes the participation in the conference, 1 conference digest, 1 conference proceedings, 1 welcome reception ticket, 1 banquet ticket.
  • All participants (i.e., oral presenters, poster presenters, on-site listeners, and exhibitors) are required to pay the above registration fee.

Registration Webpage

Online Registration has been closed.
Please register at the onsite desk for participation.
Credit card is available for the onsite registration.

Cancellation Policy (Japan Time)

Registration fees will not be returned for any reasons after Early Bird registration deadline.