Special Issues
A number of excellent papers will be selected and invited to special issues in journals.
Planned Journals:
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (Fuji Technology Press)
Guest Editors:
Call for papers
Dear authors, Thank you for your excellent presentation in SCIS & ISIS 2018. -------------------------------------------------- Selected papers from SCIS&ISIS2020 will be appeared on JACIII from Vol.26, No.1 (January 20, 2022). Guest editors: Kanta Tachibana (Kogakuin University) and Shinji Fukuda (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) *JACIII is an open-access journal and it is indexed in ESCI (newly established index of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science), SCOPUS, and Ei Compendex. -------------------------------------------------- If you are interested in the submission for this special issue, please send your manuscript via the following online submission site: (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jaciii) by May 20, 2021. When submitting your paper through online submission system, please select the appropriate paper category which starts with "Special Issue:" and write "SCIS&ISIS2020" in the "Title of the Special Issue" entry field otherwise your paper may be reviewed as a regular paper. Please also read the following notes before submission.
- All papers for JACIII should not be published previously or elsewhere. Thus, it is mandatory that the title of the paper should be different from the proceeding paper. Authors should prepare their manuscript according to paper preparation instruction of JACIII. "Instruction for authors"
- It is strongly recommended to include JACIII publications in references. All JACIII papers can be freely searched and downloaded here.
- All submitted papers will be subject to the same reviewing criteria as regular papers submitted to JACIII.
- The language for contribution is in English or Japanese. For detail on submission in Japanese, please contact JACIII Editorial Office: jaciii@fujipress.jp.
- Paper charge and reprints
- The page charge of the manuscript written by English is 12,000 yen per printed page (Inside Japan: sales tax of 10% is also added to the page charges and reprints).
- The color printing fee is extra 21,000 yen per page, irrespective of the number of figures contained.
- Reprints can be ordered in multiples of 100 at the price of (110 yen) x (number of reprints), regardless of the number of printed pages and of whether the article contains color pages or not.
- The shipping cost will be invoiced when you order reprints.
- Important dates:
- Submission of your manuscript: May 20, 2021
- Review results (acceptance/rejection): November 20, 2021
For more information or questions, contact the guest editor.